Christina Sfez - créatrice de robes de mariée

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Christina shares her daily life and her favorite places in San Diego (EN)

Parisian by birth, Christina Sfez moved with her husband and two children in 2017 to San Diego, in the United States, to realize one of her dreams: to open her wedding dress boutique in California. A daring bet that she does not regret because of the sweet, sunny, and ultra-inspiring life in which the designer flourishes in San Diego. The ocean's blue and the inhabitants' kindness allow her to approach her work more serenely than in France. Christina Sfez also feeds on vintage nuggets unearthed during long walks. Notice to those passing through California, here are some favorite locations of the bridal designer in San Diego. Between innovative cocktail bars, delicious food, and landscapes to die for, but also some places to rediscover the taste of France (it's not hard to find an authentic bakery and other Proust madeleines). Follow the leader!

The San Diego of Christina Sfez

Tell us how you got to San Diego.

Christina Sfez: "My husband and I moved here with our two children in 2017 after falling in love with San Diego during a trip to California in 2014.

Why San Diego and not another city?

I wanted to open my showroom in California. In 2014, we began scouting from Los Angeles to San Francisco, passing through Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, and many other pretty cities. Everything was magnificent, but we did not project ourselves into any location. We had one day left; the program was either Disneyland or San Diego! So we chose the second option and did well because we immediately projected ourselves in one day. It was love at first sight!


Can you describe your daily life here?

My husband and I get up at 6:30 a.m. to be able to process emails related to France before the office closes. The children wake up at 7 a.m. for me to drop them off at the American public school, which is a 5-minute walk from our house. Then, I walk about fifteen minutes to the North Park neighborhood where my shop is located. I have a coffee on the terrace, summer and winter alike: what luck! I take this opportunity to treat all my emails and calls more calmly. I take full advantage of this time to call my family and friends.

At 10 a.m., I open the shop and work there until 5:30 p.m. before picking up our children, preparing dinner, and becoming the mother hen I am again.

  In San Diego, the inhabitants are of a positivism and a generosity that I have not seen anywhere else.”

What is the atmosphere of this city?

Warm and relaxing. Although people work a lot, they are super chill, which changes everyday life!

What do you find here that you can't find anywhere else?

As soon as I leave my house, strolling in these broad and tranquil streets lined with palm trees with the birds singing all year round, I feel happy. It makes me smile instantly!


What do you prefer in San Diego compared to Paris?

The way of life and the rhythm of our days. Even though I work from Monday to Saturday, everything is cooler and sweeter there. The inhabitants are of positivism and generosity that I have not seen anywhere else. This allows you to consider many unimportant things that can be difficult to live with in France. And then, the ocean and the beaches as far as the eye can see.

And conversely, what do you miss about Paris that you can't find in San Diego?

A real bakery! The French cafes are filled with noise from percolators and cups placed on the zinc bar in the morning, a beautiful melody for me, or even the omnipresent culture on every street corner.

If San Diego was a color, what do you think it would be?

Blue without hesitation: the omnipresent sky and the ocean as far as the eye can see.

Christina Sfez, french designer in San Diego

What are the specificities of your brides in San Diego?

Here the wedding is a significant moment expected since the earliest childhood. My brides are very attentive to the advice we can give them and work at the heart, whether it's human or for the outfit. They like the originality of colored dresses and adopt them much more easily. As I do tailor-made, all my brides have their own personality, whether American or French!


How do the people of San Diego perceive you, the designer from France?

I get asked many more questions than in France about my lifestyle, family, background, and taste in fashion and decoration. Difficult to answer for them, but I think they are intrigued and surprised that I come from so far away to live in San Diego. Of course, I'm the one you'll see passing through North Park with her baguette under my arm, nibbling on the bun; I haven't lost my French habits!


Can you share with us a nice memory in San Diego?

My fondest memory was when the 4 of us arrived, with 4 bags and our hearts filled with excitement. We arrived without any prior identification. After a month of Airbnb and then a motel, it was starting to be stressful not finding accommodation, and we wondered if we had done the right thing. Two days after viewing a house, the realtor told me to call back to tell us we had it! With my daughter Margaux, we exploded with joy and danced in the street. I cherish this moment very deeply.

"3 words to describe this city? Positive, radiant, and sweet."

Is the Christina Sfez in San Diego the same as the one in Paris?

Yes, except that I don't get overwhelmed by the stress of everyday life here.


How do you imagine your future in the United States (or elsewhere)?

I want to continue to develop and establish the brand well in San Diego before returning to France in a few years, probably between Paris and Marseille.

Christina Sfez’s favorites spots in San Diego

Your favorite restaurants :

Lucky’s Golden Phoenix, ( 3804 Grim Avenue San Diego, CA 92104 ) pour un bon breakfast fait tous les matins par Lucky en personne depuis 1970!

The Rose Wine Bar (2219 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104)  a 100% home-cooked wine bar

Buona Forchetta (3001 Beech St, San Diego, CA 92102) for their pizzas to die for

55 Thai Kitchen (2601 Broadway, San Diego CA 92102) a delicious Thai restaurant hidden behind a grocery store

Kindred ( 1503 30th St. CA 92102) , un bar et restaurant végétarien, le meilleur de la ville!

Bars to have a drink :

The Polite Provisions (4696 30th St, San Diego, CA 92116) my favorite cocktail bar

Pretzels & Pints (3812 Ray St, San Diego, CA 92104) for a relax aperitif with good bretzels


Good pastries :

Bonjour Pâtisserie on markets (planning à retrouver ici) delicious french pastries made by chef Romain!

Wayfarer Bread (5525 La Jolla Blvd, La Jolla, CA 92037) for very good bread


Your places to take a breath of fresh air :

Coronado Island, an island attached to San Diego with wide streets and super relaxing beaches: the sunset there is unbeatable

Carlsbad : you have to go there for lunch at Campfire (2725 State St, Carlsbad, CA 92008) and a walk on this magnificent beach

 The Courts : A day in the desert, with a swimming pool and tennis courts.

A place that inspires your creativity :

I often need to escape to fuel my creativity. If I go out of San Diego, I like Palm Springs and Ojai ; otherwise, I love the Long Beach Flea Market (4901 E Conant St, Long Beach, CA 90808). 

Your favorite cultural place :

Le Musée d’Art Contemporain à la Jolla (700 Prospect St, La Jolla, CA 92037), a magical place on the seafront.

A place where you get your supplies for your creations?

I do not supply myself in the United States, only in France and Belgium.

Any fashion addresses to recommend ?

San Diego is not a city where fashion has a big impact. But there are pearls in vintage stores, such as La Loupe Vintage La Loupe Vintage (3337 Adams Ave, San Diego, CA 92116) or Mila (2879 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104).

As for californian labels, I like Everlane ou Mate the Label.


A place to take care of yourself ?

Shop Good, (3027 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104) the best spot with no doubt!


Where do you find your decorative items here?

I hunt a lot. I also appreciate the ceramics of Hannah Garvin, la sélection déco chez Pigment et The Gold Leaf (2225 30th St, San Diego, CA 92104). A little further up Laguna Beach, The Good Together House (311 Ocean Ave. Laguna Beach, Ca) has the perfect home selection, or Francaise Shop (1037 Orange Ave, Coronado, CA 92118).

Your children's favorite place?

Walks in South Park and at the Waterfront park, an open-air public park with water games.


A place where you can reconnect with your French origins in San Diego?

There is no specific place, but with my French friends, we meet to chat twice a month."

Christina Sfez store is located at 3046 North Park Way à San Diego, Californie USA